I If I could give zero stars that would be the case here. Mr Crosse has now crossed the line with the public by producing a fraudulent invoice, for a realtor to defraud a client. That's right, Mr Cross has openly admitted that on an occasion, he was asked to produce a fraudulent invoice, by a Realtor , and without asking any questions...PRODUCED IT FOR A HIGHER AMOUNT THAN WAS CHARGED. He openly admits this and has written that he has done nothing wrong because he did not give the fraudulent invoice to the client. I'm sorry, but Mr Crosse deals with realtors on a daily basis and it only makes me wonder how many other clients have fallen victim to Mr Crosse's fraudulent invoice scam.
Dollar Tree in Waldorf, MD 20603 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews 1190 Smallwood Drive West, Waldorf, Maryland 20603 (MD)       (301) 870-8153
View All Records For This Phone #Dollar Tree in Waldorf, Maryland
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Department Stores
Dollar Tree Address:
1190 Smallwood Drive West Waldorf Maryland 20603 MDDollar Tree Phone:
(301) 870-8153 View All Records Of This Phone #Dollar Tree Owner:
Sheila Kearney, Site ManagerAbout Dollar Tree
Dollar Tree is mainly involved in Department Stores. Dollar Tree operates in Maryland. This business organization is involved in Department Stores as well as other possible related aspects and functions of Department Stores. In Maryland Dollar Tree maintains its local business operations and might carry out other local business operations outside of Waldorf Maryland in additional functions related to Department Stores.
About Sheila Kearney, Site Manager
Our records indicate that Sheila Kearney, Site Manager is the owner of Dollar Tree in Waldorf, Maryland. To update this record please click here.
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Contact Number for Dollar Tree in Waldorf, Maryland
Phone: (301) 870-8153
Dollar Tree Job Positions Available In Waldorf, Maryland
5/5 Based on 1 Review(s)
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Waldorf Employment Statistics
Industry | # of Employers | Avg Weekly Wage |
Information | 21,532 | $2,105 |
Leisure and hospitality | 58,657 | $407 |
Management of companies and enterprises | 3,839 | $3,297 |
Manufacturing | 35,024 | $824 |
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction | 360 | $604 |
Natural resources and mining | 2,840 | $371 |
Other services | 68,970 | $560 |
Other services, except public administration | 68,970 | $560 |
Some interesting facts about
Charles County
Number of Households: 50,305
Median Income: $92,135
Size of County: 458 sq mi.