Business Cards

New Trends in Business Cards

Business cards are the most basic business marketing and networking tool at your disposal. Every business coach in East Syracuse NY will tell you to keep your business card holder full and never be without a stash of business cards. Youíll hand them out at business events, tack them to bulletin boards and tuck them into your business correspondence. Even in this day of social media networking, real, tangible business cards are still your most effective and important networking tool.

On the other hand, most business cards are, well, boring. If youíre still handing out business cards that look like they were designed by your personal accountant, it may be time to shake things up a little and catch up on some of the newest business card trends.

Colorful Cards

Stand out in a sea of white by choosing colored card stock for your business cards. For best effect, choose a deep, rich color with white or pale grey printing. Your business contacts will always be able to find your card.

Unusual Materials

Why stick with paper business cards when you can have your card printed on just about anything? One of the most unusual business card trends making the rounds of [statetitle] trade shows are DVD business cards. They're the size and shape of a round-edged business card, fit into a standard DVD drive, are printable with a Scribe DVD-R and can hold an entire business portfolio.

Trends to Avoid

There are a few trends in business cards that you may want to avoid. Stick close to standard card size and shape, for example. You want to avoid shapes and sizes that are difficult for recipients to tuck away and store. While an oversize teardrop-shaped leaf may seem like the ideal business card for your East Syracuse NY florist shop, it won't do you any good if your contacts are frustrated trying to tuck it into a pocket or wallet.