Pedaltown Bicycle Company in Memphis, TN 38112 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews
2547 Broad Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38112 (TN)       (901) 435-6789

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Pedaltown Bicycle Company in Memphis, Tennessee

Local Business

Pedaltown Bicycle Company Address:

2547 Broad Avenue Memphis Tennessee 38112 TN

Pedaltown Bicycle Company Phone:

(901) 435-6789 View All Records Of This Phone #

Pedaltown Bicycle Company Owner:

Clark Butcher
About Pedaltown Bicycle Company

Pedaltown Bicycle Company is headed by Clark Butcher who is an expert in providing a flawless bicycle services service. The bicycle company offers people the finest bicycle services with their crew. We stress your privacy thus we put the needs and well-being of our clients on top of our list. The primary goal of launching a bike shop is to earn money. However, the primary issues are what you should focus on. If you\\\'re willing to put in the time, you can easily pick up the basics of running and owning a mobile shop. This guide will help to get you on the right track. Your bike repair services just isn\\\'t likely to become successful overnight. Your success will likely be determined by how much of your time, energy and resources you\\\'re willing to invest when first starting out. However, you can\\\'t expect to become an industry leader overnight; you need to have patience and think about where you\\\'d like to take your bike shop in the long run. Owners who lose focus and drift away from actively promoting the growth of their bike repair services put their businesses at risk of failure.

About Clark Butcher

Our records indicate that Clark Butcher is the owner of Pedaltown Bicycle Company in Memphis, Tennessee.

Directions for Pedaltown Bicycle Company in Memphis, Tennessee

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Pedaltown Bicycle Company of Memphis in your local city of Fairfield, CT.

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Reviews for Pedaltown Bicycle Company in Memphis, Tennessee

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Contact Number for Pedaltown Bicycle Company in Memphis, Tennessee

Phone: (901) 435-6789

Pedaltown Bicycle Company is located in Memphis, TN which is in County. There are approximately 1 Counties located in the 901 area code. Phone companies and telecommunication companies in this area may include the following: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Pacific Bell, Sprint

Pedaltown Bicycle Company Job Positions Available In Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis Employment Statistics
Industry # of Employers Avg Weekly Wage
Information 21,532 $2,105
Leisure and hospitality 58,657 $407
Management of companies and enterprises 3,839 $3,297
Manufacturing 35,024 $824
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 360 $604
Natural resources and mining 2,840 $371
Other services 68,970 $560
Other services, except public administration 68,970 $560

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This location of this Pedaltown Bicycle Company is located in Shelby County.

Some interesting facts about
Shelby County

Population: 927,640
Number of Households: 340,394
Median Income: $46,102
Size of County: 763 sq mi.