Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC in North Hampton, NH 03862 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews
45 Lafayette Road #173, North Hampton, New Hampshire 03862 (NH)       (603) 413-0248

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Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC in North Hampton, New Hampshire


4/5   Based on 1 Review(s)

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Local Business

Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC Address:

45 Lafayette Road #173 North Hampton New Hampshire 03862 NH

Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC Phone:

(603) 413-0248 View All Records Of This Phone #

Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC Owner:

Sales Team
About Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC

Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC has many years of experience in administering decorative polishing stained floors solutions. Their staff and the facilities they use add to the whole atmosphere of quality they have been providing all these years. Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC has the answers to your flooring needs. If you are searching for a contractor, don\'t expect a good one to show up on your doorstep. You will need to do some digging to find the right stamped concrete contractor for your job. Without this outline, it\'ll be nearly impossible to know whether the local concrete contractor will work out. Use these strategies to make a list of traits that you want your stamped concrete contractor to possess. The lowest bidder for a legal contract should not be ignored as he\'s capable of delivering high quality work much like the other bidders. Find the cost of the material and compare it against the low quote contractor. The cost of labour should be accounted for in the total cost for it is also an expense. If their price fits your budget, then you absolutely should go ahead with the legal agreement.

About Sales Team

Our records indicate that Sales Team is the owner of Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC in North Hampton, New Hampshire.

Directions for Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC in North Hampton, New Hampshire

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Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC of North Hampton in your local city of Cambridge, MA.

See the location of Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC in North Hampton, New Hampshire

Reviews for Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC in North Hampton, New Hampshire

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Contact Number for Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC in North Hampton, New Hampshire

Phone: (603) 413-0248

Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC is located in North Hampton, NH which is in County. There are approximately 1 Counties located in the 603 area code. Phone companies and telecommunication companies in this area may include the following: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Pacific Bell, Sprint

Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC Job Positions Available In North Hampton, New Hampshire


4/5   Based on 1 Review(s)

Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC : Take Our Survey and Rate and Review This Business Here!

North Hampton Employment Statistics
Industry # of Employers Avg Weekly Wage
Information 21,532 $2,105
Leisure and hospitality 58,657 $407
Management of companies and enterprises 3,839 $3,297
Manufacturing 35,024 $824
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 360 $604
Natural resources and mining 2,840 $371
Other services 68,970 $560
Other services, except public administration 68,970 $560

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This location of this Northeast Decorative Concrete, LLC is located in Rockingham County.

Some interesting facts about
Rockingham County

Population: 295,223
Number of Households: 115,105
Median Income: $77,470
Size of County: 695 sq mi.