AC Sure Plan in San Diego, CA 92126 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews
7905 Silverton Avenue # 106, San Diego, California 92126 (CA)       (858) 566-4800

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AC Sure Plan in San Diego, California

Air Conditioning & Heating-Service/Rpr

AC Sure Plan Address:

7905 Silverton Avenue # 106 San Diego California 92126 CA
About AC Sure Plan

Who We Are: AC Sure plan is a full service heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) company. Since 2003, AC sure plan has been installing and servicing Heating and Air Conditioning systems for residential and commercial customers throughout San Diego. We provide a wide variety of services that range from small residential sector, commercial property maintenance to large commercial contracts. AC sure plan is licensed, bonded and fully insured company. Our certified technicians take pride in their work. We stand behind the quality of service our company provides, and guarantee all of our work. Our services include: complete heating and air conditioning installations, equipment replacements, complete indoor air quality services, hot water heaters, programmable and non-programmable thermostats, all phases of maintenance and repair, and more. We also offer preventive maintenance agreements to keep equipment running at optimum efficiency and ensure safety. Visit Our Website :

About Iulian Buium, Owner

Our records indicate that Iulian Buium, Owner is the owner of AC Sure Plan in San Diego, California.

Directions for AC Sure Plan in San Diego, California

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Reviews for AC Sure Plan in San Diego, California

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Contact Number for AC Sure Plan in San Diego, California

Phone: (858) 566-4800

AC Sure Plan is located in San Diego, CA which is in san diego County. There are approximately 1 Counties located in the 858 area code. Phone companies and telecommunication companies in this area may include the following: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Pacific Bell, Sprint

AC Sure Plan Job Positions Available In San Diego, California

San Diego Employment Statistics
Industry # of Employers Avg Weekly Wage
Information 21,532 $2,105
Leisure and hospitality 58,657 $407
Management of companies and enterprises 3,839 $3,297
Manufacturing 35,024 $824
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 360 $604
Natural resources and mining 2,840 $371
Other services 68,970 $560
Other services, except public administration 68,970 $560

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This location of this AC Sure Plan made on average $500.000 to $999.999 in sales last year and is located in San Diego County.

Some interesting facts about
San Diego County

Population: 3,095,308
Number of Households: 1,064,048
Median Income: $63,857
Size of County: 4,207 sq mi.